
Head of Care

Head of Care

“It has been a fantastic opportunity for our residents and care team to be part of the Cognitive Daisy Project, particularly for the Senior Carers. The process of ‘testing’ our residents has been an eye-opener. On some occasions residents would respond to and answer questions far better than expected, demonstrating that perhaps we underestimate their understanding of daily activities and conversations. Also, the Cog-D has been a valuable tool for us to use in our daily documentation of care plans; rather than describing residents as being confused or disorientated we now apply different and more specific terminology as used in the SUCRA acronym. It is so important for us as carers to recognise, not only our residents’ impairments, but also those abilities that are still intact. With the help of the daisies, we can offer our residents the support they need, specific to each individual resident and therefore promoting our ethos of person-centred care”